Radical Prostatectomy

World Most Advanced Urology Treatment in India

Urology is a medical and surgical specialty that deals with urinary tracts of males and females, and on the reproductive system of males. Indian hospitals have some of the finest urologists who have valuable expertise to diagnose, treat, and manage patients with urological disorders. The organs covered by urology include the kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, and the male reproductive organs (testes, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles and prostate). Combining the latest World's Best technologies with the healing touch of experienced hands, Indian Hospitals bring the best -in-class patient care within your reach. Painless procedures, assured relief and a success rate that compares favourably with the best such facilites in the World.

  • Most advacned facilities for advanced Laproscopic Urological Procedures.
  • Minimally Invasive Surgeries for Kidney stone, laser prostate surgery-no pain , no cuts.
  • HOLEP, TURP, RIRS etc.

Radical Prostatectomy Surgery in India

What a radical prostatectomy ?

A radical prostatectomy is a common operation for treating prostate cancer. It used to be called total prostatectomy. This means using surgery to remove all of the prostate gland through a cut in your abdomen or the area between the testicles and the back passage (perineum). The aim of this type of surgery is to cure the cancer. Your surgeon may suggest radical prostatectomy if

  • Your cancer has not spread outside your prostate
  • You are younger, rather than older, and have a high grade tumour.
How radical prostatectomy is done ?

A radical prostatectomy is carried out by specialist surgeons. They take out the whole prostate gland with the aim of getting rid of all the cancer. The surgeon makes a cut in the abdomen (retropubic) or between the testicles and the back passage (perineal). This operation is called open prostatectomy. As well as the prostate gland, the surgeon also removes the surrounding tissues and the tubes that carry semen (seminal vesicles). They then close the wound.

Laparoscopic prostatectomy (keyhole surgery)

Often, a radical prostatectomy is done using keyhole (laparoscopic) surgery. The surgeon uses a tube with a light and eyepiece to look inside the body. They fill the abdomen with carbon dioxide gas so they can see the prostate clearly. A tiny video camera gives a magnified view of the prostate gland on a video screen. The surgeon cuts away the prostate gland from the surrounding tissues and puts it in a small bag before removing it through one of the cuts in the abdomen. The main difference with this surgery is that you won't have a big wound in your abdomen afterwards. Instead you have several small cuts.

Laparoscopic surgery is as good at treating prostate cancer as open surgery. Men also lose less blood, have less pain, and spend less time in hospital. Most men also recover and go back to normal activities more quickly than with open radical prostatectomy surgery. Two of the most common side effects of prostatectomy are problems with control over when to pass urine (urinary incontinence) and inability to have an erection (impotence). There doesn’t seem to be any difference in the number of men who have these side effects after open prostatectomy or after laparoscopic prostatectomy.

What are the Benefits and Risks of Radical prostatectomy?

If you're young and in good health, the short-term risks of this surgery are low. The hospital stay is usually 2 to 3 days, with the catheter left in place for 2 to 3 weeks. You're usually able to go back to work in about 1 month. You shouldn't have severe pain with this surgery. Most men regain bladder control a few weeks to several months after the surgery.

The main advantage of surgery is that it offers the most certain treatment. That is, if all of the cancer is removed during surgery, you are probably cured. Also, the surgery provides your doctor with accurate information about how advanced your cancer is, since the nearby lymph nodes are taken out along with the tumor.

Holmium Laser Enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) is a modern alternative to the standard Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) procedure for bladder outflow obstruction due to BPH. It requires a short period of hospitalisation and an anaesthetic. A catheter (a tube which drains the bladder) is also needed for 1-2 days until the urine clears. Patients are advised to take life quietly and to avoid straining or heavy lifting for four weeks after the surgery.

Surgery does have risks. The main risks of radical prostatectomy are incontinence (loss of bladder control) and impotence (loss of the ability to get or keep an erection long enough to have sex). Most bladder and impotence problems improve with time.

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